Price portable computer (laptop) so fierce. By trimming some features, many manufacturers rely on inexpensive products. Of course, this laptop does not function to shift the high-end laptops such as Sony Vaio, Acer Ferrari, or Apple Macbook.
What is important, basic functions like surfing the internet, play music, view movies and photos, to office applications are met. Ultra-low cost laptop Asus Eee PC production, for example, sold for up to Rp2.950.000 price range per unit Rp3.550.000. With a price even cheaper than desktop computers, hopes more people can access information technology and computerization.
With 7-inch screen and weighs less than one kilogram, the Asus Eee PC is equipped with Wi-Fi connection, internal modem, 512 MB memory, and harddisk2-4 GB. Compact size makes it practical for laptop access the Internet or working anywhere. In cafes, in cars, or in the office.
According to expert Information Technology (IT) Modern Sri Vishnu, the trend of this inexpensive laptops into the future would continue to roll. Those who enliven the brands or manufacturers in the country. "Now that domestic products are able to offer low-end features at a price below five million," said Vishnu.
He then pointed out the brand Toshiba, BYON, Ion, and artificial recognized Zyrex country. "That's because the parts have to meet the quantity expressed as domestic product by the government," he added these two children. However, the relatively cheap price of Vishnu warned users not to expect too much about the feature.
"These features are just enough to use only standard. For example, for home office application. Occupation edit photos or play a game might be, but inadequate. Prices have to be patient so much for it," he said, laughing.
He himself had tried to direct the Asus Eee PC. The result? "If for users like me, so tormented," he recalls. After one month of usage, laptop from Asustek Computer is sold again. "In terms of storage alone is very limited, the media was also less than satisfactory view," he complained.
Laptops are not cheap presents many luxury features. However, many were already satisfied to use it.
Senior Marketing Yummy Food Utama PT Ramassyah Sofyan, for example, M31W BYON proud that he had just purchased. "At first I wanted to buy a laptop but the former well-known brands. But it turned out, the money I've got enough to buy locally-made laptop affordable enough," he explained.
"In addition to low cost, its features is sufficient for the office like me. Most just open Word and Excel for work, or Power Point for presentations. So really function for mobile," explained the man who was familiarly called Pian.
According to him, a bad image of low-cost laptops not always true. All depends on the needs, how much use outside of the computer laptop desktop. "When compared to the branded clearly different. But look on the bright side, the features you get almost the same," Pian said the claim often teased work together.
Her favorite feature is the chat using a webcam in congenital camera 1.3 MB